Source code for esc.modes

""" - Manage calculator state/modes

from .oops import ProgrammingError

MODES = {}

[docs]class Mode: """ esc modes implement basic calculator state like a degrees/radians switch. In esc, they are created and used by menus with families of related operations, where they can also be displayed. They have a name, a current value, and optionally a set of allowable values; if something ever causes the value to be set to a non-allowable value, a :class:`ProgrammingError <esc.oops.ProgrammingError>` will be raised, hopefully identifying the issue before it leads to wrong results. Modes are usually created by the :func:`esc.commands.Mode` factory function, not by calling this constructor directly. """ def __init__(self, name, value, allowable_values): = name self._value = value self.allowable_values = allowable_values @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, val): if self.allowable_values is not None and val not in self.allowable_values: raise ProgrammingError(f"Tried to set invalid mode {val} " f"(valid values: {','.join(self.allowable_values)})") self._value = val
[docs]def get(name): """ Retrieve the value of a mode with a given name. Return None if no mode by that name has been registered. """ try: return MODES[name].value except KeyError: return None
[docs]def register(name, default_value, allowable_values=None): """ Create a new mode. If the mode already exists, a :class:`ProgrammingError <esc.oops.ProgrammingError>` is raised. Modes should be registered by the :func:`esc.commands.Mode` factory function, not by calling this function directly. """ if name in MODES: raise ProgrammingError("Tried to re-register an existing mode {name}.") MODES[name] = Mode(name, default_value, allowable_values)
#pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs]def set(name, val): """ Set a mode to a new value. If the mode doesn't exist, a ``KeyError`` will be raised. If the value is invalid for the mode, a :class:`ProgrammingError <esc.oops.ProgrammingError>` will be raised. """ MODES[name].value = val