Source code for esc.functions

""" -- default calculator functions

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
import math
import platform
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from .commands import BINOP, Constant, Operation, Menu, main_menu
from .consts import CONSTANT_MENU_CHARACTER
from .oops import InsufficientItemsError
from .status import status


[docs]@Operation('+', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def add(sos, bos): "Add sos and bos." return sos + bos
add.ensure(before=[2, 2], after=[4]) add.ensure(before=[2, -3], after=[-1]) add.ensure(before=[1, 2, 3], after=[1, 5])
[docs]@Operation('-', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def subtract(sos, bos): "Subtract bos from sos." return sos - bos
subtract.ensure(before=[3, 2], after=[1])
[docs]@Operation('*', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def multiply(sos, bos): "Multiply sos and bos." return sos * bos
multiply.ensure(before=[4, 6], after=[24])
[docs]@Operation('/', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def divide(sos, bos): "Divide sos by bos." return sos / bos
divide.ensure(before=[8, 4], after=[2]) divide.ensure(before=[8, 3], after=[Decimal(8)/3]) divide.ensure(before=[5, 0], raises=ZeroDivisionError)
[docs]@Operation('^', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def exponentiate(sos, bos): "Take sos to the power of bos." return sos**bos
exponentiate.ensure(before=[3, 3], after=[27]) exponentiate.ensure(before=[6, 1], after=[6]) exponentiate.ensure(before=[6, 0], after=[1]) exponentiate.ensure(before=[6, -1], after=[Decimal(1)/6]) exponentiate.ensure(before=[6, -2], after=[Decimal(1)/36])
[docs]@Operation('%', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as=BINOP) def modulus(sos, bos): "Take the remainder of sos divided by bos (a.k.a., sos mod bos)." return sos % bos
modulus.ensure(before=[6, 2], after=[0]) modulus.ensure(before=[6, 4], after=[2]) modulus.ensure(before=[6, -4], after=[2]) modulus.ensure(before=[6, 0], raises=InvalidOperation) # undefined
[docs]@Operation('s', menu=main_menu, push=1, log_as="sqrt {0} = {1}") def sqrt(bos): "Take the square root of bos." return math.sqrt(bos)
sqrt.ensure(before=[25], after=[5]) sqrt.ensure(before=[0], after=[0]) sqrt.ensure(before=[-2], raises=ValueError) #################### # STACK OPERATIONS # ####################
[docs]@Operation('d', menu=main_menu, push=2, description='duplicate bos', log_as="duplicate {0}") def duplicate(bos): """ Duplicate bos into a new stack entry. Useful if you want to hang onto the value for another calculation later. """ return bos, bos
duplicate.ensure(before=[3, 2], after=[3, 2, 2])
[docs]@Operation('x', menu=main_menu, push=2, description='exchange bos, sos', log_as="{1} <=> {0}") def exchange(sos, bos): """ Swap bos and sos. Useful if you enter numbers in the wrong order or when you need to divide a more recent result by an older one. """ return bos, sos
exchange.ensure(before=[1, 2, 3], after=[1, 3, 2])
[docs]@Operation('p', menu=main_menu, push=0, description='pop off bos', log_as="pop bos {0}") def pop(_): "Remove and discard the bottom item from the stack." return None
pop.ensure(before=[1, 5], after=[1]) pop.ensure(before=[5], after=[]) pop.ensure(before=[], raises=InsufficientItemsError)
[docs]@Operation('r', menu=main_menu, push=-1, description='roll up', log_as="roll tos {0} to bos") def roll(*stack): "Move the top item on the stack to the bottom." if len(stack) < 2: raise InsufficientItemsError(number_required=2) return (*stack[1:], stack[0])
roll.ensure(before=[1, 2, 3], after=[2, 3, 1]) roll.ensure(before=[1, 2], after=[2, 1]) roll.ensure(before=[1], raises=InsufficientItemsError) roll.ensure(before=[], raises=InsufficientItemsError)
[docs]@Operation('c', menu=main_menu, push=0, description='clear stack') def clear(*stack): #pylint: disable=useless-return """ Clear all items from the stack, giving you a clean slate but maintaining your calculation history. """ if not stack: raise InsufficientItemsError(number_required=1) return None
clear.ensure(before=[6, 8, 2], after=[]) clear.ensure(before=[1], after=[]) clear.ensure(before=[], raises=InsufficientItemsError) ############# # CONSTANTS # ############# log_doc = """Insert common mathematical constants from this menu.""" constants_menu = Menu(CONSTANT_MENU_CHARACTER, 'insert constant', main_menu, doc=log_doc) Constant(math.pi, 'p', description='pi', menu=constants_menu) Constant(math.e, 'e', description='e', menu=constants_menu) ################# # MISCELLANEOUS # #################
[docs]@Operation('y', menu=main_menu, push=0, description='yank bos to cboard', retain=True, log_as="yank {0} to clipboard", simulate=False) def yank_bos(bos_str, testing): """ Copy the value of bos to your system clipboard. """ cmd = { 'Windows': ['clip'], 'Darwin': ['pbcopy'], 'Linux': ['xsel', '-bi'], }[platform.system()] if not testing: p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(input=bos_str.encode()) status.advisory(f'"{bos_str}" placed on system clipboard.')
yank_bos.ensure(before=[3, 5], after=[3, 5]) yank_bos.ensure(before=[], raises=InsufficientItemsError)